Euro 3
Euro 3
The zero to six Eurograde rating system is applied to safes that are designed to be theft and burglary resistant. The grade that is assigned to each safe indicates the amount of cash it was designed to protect. These safes have to first undergo various detailed testing that is conducted by national testing agencies such as VdS and ECBs, before the rating is applied. Once the test is done and the testing agencies have determined the resistance level of the safe a Eurograde rating is assigned. The resistance level is determined based on the length of time it takes to gain partial or full entry to the safe. A badge of certification from the testing agency can be found on or in the safe. The fire rating of 175 degrees for 30 minutes is also assigned to some safes although this is not part of the Eurograde EN1143 security test.
If the safe is to be insured, the insurance company will use the rating assigned to it to determine the coverage they will offer. The assigned Eurograde security cash ratings are as follows:
- Eurograde 0 – Cash rating of $7,800 and a valuables rating of $78,000.
- Eurograde 1 – Cash rating of $13,000 and a valuables rating of $130,000.
- Eurograde 2 – Cash rating of $22,750 and a valuables rating of $227,500.
- Eurograde 3 – Cash rating of $45,500 and a valuables rating of $455,000.
In addition it is important to note that all safes that weigh less than 1000kg must be securely bolted to the ground, otherwise the test certificate is null and void – as will be your insurance policy in the event that you have to make a claim.